Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Soldier

Many years ago, December 1970, I welcomed a young soldier, a helicopter pilot, home from Vietnam.  He returned with a silver star.  He was a hero.  He did not feel like one. 

He was 19 years old when he left, but much older than his 20 years when he returned.  I will never forget the relief of knowing he was safe, but I did not understand that his battles were just beginning.  

I knew him as a boy when he left…that boy did not return from war.  To this day, my heart still grieves when I think of him and how his experience changed him.

Yes, the Lord can heal all wounds, but the scars remain and remind us of things we long to forget and cannot. 

I long for the day when all of his scars, and ours, vanish, and the memories are no more.  I long for that day when there is no more need for comfort and all will be well with his soul.  

But for now, we can only say “Thank you”…not really ever knowing what we are thanking them for; only God knows the depth of their sacrifice.

So to our valued veterans, thank you so much!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

For Jason November 5, 1978-April 9, 2010

Sunshine smile, Eyes of blue
Today was the day we welcomed you
Into our lives for a while
Eyes of blue and sunshine smile

Infectious laughter, tender heart
Eyes of wonder, bright and smart
Mischievous grin, embracing life
You made us smile with joy and delight

Love for creatures, everywhere
Gentle explorer knows no fear
Racing ahead of life with passion
Pursued by time, your soul of compassion

Troubled waters, clouds of gray
Joy and laughter, began to fray
Your smile vanished; wiped away
A crumbled soul in disarray

Then Jesus healed your bitter past
He gave you peace that would forever last
Love today; Life is good
No longer hurting and misunderstood

 “Don’t weep for me I’m not alone
So many loved ones have welcomed me home”
Sunshine smile, eyes of blue
My precious son, I love you!

Happy Birthday, Jason

Friday, November 4, 2011


Last night I dreamed of Love
A tree

My heart cried out
“How infinite is your love
How wonderfully crafted
Is your design
There is none like You!”

Your gentle eyes
Looked into mine
Your grin so wide
It made me laugh

And you laughed with me

I could not feel more loved

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The struggles we go through in this life are all relative. It seems that some people escape real tragedies while others experience more than their share.  Why is this?  Is it because some Christians have made wrong choices that have led to pain and loss? You may have asked yourself this question about certain events in your life. I know that I have.

I'm not quite sure how to post the topics that I have experienced in my life without coming across as a "nobody knows the trouble I've seen" follower of Jesus Christ.  It is a contradiction is it not?  We hear a great deal about the promises of God and the fact that He wants to bless us with every physical and financial blessing.  Let me say that I do lay hold to that belief as well, but I don't believe that it is some kind of formula that will guarantee these blessings.

I have known some amazing Christians who have had to deal with disease, loss, and pain in their lives and I think the difference would be in the phrasing of the term "struggling Christian".  If we are in Christ, then our problems should not be a "struggle" should they?

And what about satan?  Isn't he the one we are to blame for the tests and trials that come our way?  Christians who have endured such might be labeled as a failure in their faith, unable to somehow latch on to just the right amount for each situation because it stands to reason, based on some scripture, that the situation or trial would go away...eventually...based on our degree of faith, or obedience. And what about grace?  Where does grace and mercy come into play on our journey?  Why do some seem to receive more than others?  As you read this, I'm sure you can quote a scripture regarding all these topics: faith, struggle, trials, satanic attack, grace, mercy,and a lot more! It can get down right confusing for some. It did for me.  To the point where I wanted to chuck it all....but then that was done for me.  How?  Well, I'm hoping that this blog will help me, and others with these topics.  I appreciate your input as I muddle along.  Those of you who have read this blog before will see that most previous posts have been deleted.  They were not what the Lord wanted me to write about.  I confess that fear kept me from writing about the things that I have experienced and how the Lord is continuing to heal and restore my soul.  A fear that I might be labeled "A Defeated Christian". That in itself is an oxymoron.

There are a lot of self-help books and ministries that are out there that I believe that are helpful and contain a great deal of Biblical Truth.  There are actually "buzz" words most of us wounded warriors (that is one of them) have heard and used and in context they are valid (and I will probably use them as I progress).  But sometimes we can get locked in, dragged down, and stuck in the terminology.  I have been progressivly being restored for the past 12 years or so.  That's a lot less years than I have been a professing Christian.  Was I on a timer that the Lord waited to work His healing in me?  In a way, yes I was.

Without getting deeper into this, I would like to ask those of you who read this to put in your thoughts.  It may not sound like I'm going anywhere with this, but I assure you that the Lord is making it clear where this blog should go.  I am hesitant and still a bit fearful.  I believe the Lord wants me to "walk" through the fear, just as He has asked me to do many times before.  Eventually, He gently prods me along with "baby steps".

What are your thoughts?